The Universe Ministry is a spiritual, conscious and regenerative non-profit organisation established for furthering the upliftment, enlightenment, spiritual realisation, and general welfare of people throughout the world, the betterment of life on planet Earth, and other spiritual, environmental, humanitarian, and beneficent purpose.
Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and other religions are belief systems; The Universe exists whether you believe in it or not.
We are the Universe, and so are you.


A World that meets the needs of every human being as a birth right, providing the foundation for self-actualisation.
A World that lives in harmony with Nature; restore and protect Mother Earth, including the Animal Kingdom.
A World that chooses peace, love and harmony, awake and aware of its connection with everything.
The Universe Ministry, members, missionaries, stewards, sponsors, partners, and donors are working on various initiatives to fulfil our intentions. As a collective we are focusing on every area; from education, healthcare, economics, finance, governance & technology, to space travel, art, music and transformational experiences. Our mission is to protect the Spirit of Air, Water, Land and Food; to create a system that supports the people and the planet; to redistribute wealth; protect human rights; serve justice and implement the conscious economy. We are focused on building a global community, transforming local environments, integration with Indigenous tribes and the reformation of society. We are interested in new paradigm schools and Universities, incubators for regenerative technology, natural medicine, empowering micro-industries, entrepreneurs, investors, inventors, artists and creatives. If you are involved in any initiative that benefits the collective, we would love to support you.
This is a conscious renaissance.
DAO Universe
Dao Universe is a Club of pioneers, entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives that create DAOs
with The Universe.

Fast, Scalable, Decentralised
Finance is here with Telos
Telos is the ideal network for real world use across multiple industries – Telos based Tokens, NFTs and Smart Contracts are already used for DeFi, Gaming, Social Media amongst a backdrop of almost unlimited real world use cases. There are over 100 projects already building on Telos.

Bali Investment Club is an angel network that invests in and venture-builds impact - driven Indonesian businesses.

Join The Universe

We are stronger together. If you are a conscious and regenerative project or organisation doing good in the world, please apply to join the ministry now, and benefit from a network of resources, knowledge and expertise including funding, technical support, legal, tax and accounting, marketing, operational expense reduction, story telling and movement building.
Take action by contributing your time, love and energy. Explore the Ministry, its projects, and all partner organisations in the DHO, a Decentralised Human Organisation. Discover paid roles, quests, and opportunities available across the globe within our ever expanding community. Create a role for yourself, or even start a project of your own.
The Law of Personal Return states that giving is receiving! In accordance with this Universal Law, The Ministry gives back to its Members. Tax-deductible donations are used to fund Conscious and regenerative projects and organisations that create a positive impact on the people and the planet, as well as wealth for The Ministry and Members.
The Universe is perfectly balanced by natural and moral laws, which are regulatory vibrations to maintain order. When we operate within the laws, we can be assured of eventual positive outcomes. When we operate outside of the laws, suffering occurs. The purpose of the laws is to teach a harmonious way to live, which will be in alignment with the greatest good of all, individually and collectively.

"Individually we are powerful, collectively we are more powerful, together as one we are most powerful. The Universe is on a mission to unite People, Countries, Religions, Governments and Kingdoms. The mission is complete, now it is up to us to remember."